Game Development Compilation

Compiled by inTech

This page is a compilation of resources, tutorials, links, and more regarding anything related to game development. Game development is so much more than just programming— the art of creating a game requires the assembly of an expert in just about every field. What role are you taking in the game you're making? Let's see how we can help you!

Game Engines

Game engines are tools used to expedite the process of creating a game. In order to create a modern game, you need to have the ability to render the graphics, manage the memory, and so much more. If you want to make a game as quickly as possible, you wouldn't want to have to program all of the software needed to do the basics. That's why so many companies and indie developers use game engines!

We have various resources already available on how to use some game engines we have covered before here at inTech. Check them out!


Web Assembly


Publishing Platforms


There are so many websites and platforms that offer FREE assets! There are also many resources available that can teach you how to create your own assets. Let's take a look here!

Creating Your Own 3D Assets - with Blender

Creating Your Own 2D Assets

FREE 3D Assets

FREE 2D Assets

FREE Textures

Sound & Music

Sound is a very important component of game development that people often brush off. Don't be that person! There is so much out there!


This is a free software that allows you to make music. The links are broken, and the browser application does not work. We are providing links that directly download the application.

FREE Music

FREE Sound Effects

Programming Sound